
Churches in the Canadian Presbytery

Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Covenanters ARP Church
Kentville, Nova Scotia

Faith Presbyterian Church
Tillsonburg, Ontario

Grace Presbyterian Church
Woodstock, Ontario

Hope Presbyterian Church
Kingston, Ontario

Mount Zion Presbyterian Church
Moncton, New Brunswick

Riverside Church
Cambridge, Ontario

Trinity ARP Church
Chatham, Ontario



  • Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
    The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) denomination web site, which includes a list of all ARP churches in Canada and the United States.
    A searchable online Bible – a free service for reading and researching Scripture online in the language or translation of your choice
  • Gillespie Academy
    A one year post-secondary program designed to prepare students for university, future employment, or the building of a Christian home.
  • Redemption Prison Ministry
    A ministry providing Bible correspondence classes, reintegration support, assorted inmate services, and assistance to chaplains
  • The Voice of the Martyrs Canada
    Providing information and support for persecuted Christians
  • Word & Deed
    A ministry with a mission to address the spiritual and physical needs of people in the developing world in accordance with biblical principles.
  • Nearer to God Devotional
    This daily devotional comes out every two months. Each day in the devotional includes a Scripture passage reading, Scripture text, a meditation written by a reformed minister, and concludes with a suggestion for prayer. This daily devotional is designed to direct you in the truths of God’s Word, to faith in Christ alone for salvation, and to help you better understand the covenant relationship Christians have with their Covenant God.